Aircraft > Single-Engine Piston > Cirrus > G-TAAB: Cirrus SR22 G2 GTS
Lone Mountain Aircraft is proud to present this UK based Cirrus G2. This well cared for aircraft offers an affordable entry into “The Cirrus Life” with TKS anti-ice, a high useful load, Avidyne glass cockpit and of course the Cirrus Airframe Parachute system CAPS. It has come out of an extensive February 2025 annual and has a slot for a July 2025 CAPs repack already booked and prepaid saving the next owner plenty of money for avgas! Embark training available for owner pilots who qualify. CAPs repack booked in July and prepaid! High maintenance pedigree, always maintained by Cirrus service centers 1062lbs useful load Prop overhauled in 2022 - 102 hours SOH Annual due February 2026
Avidyne Entegra Primary Flight Display Avidyne EX5000 Multifunction Display Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel Dual Garmin GNS 430s Nav/Com/GPS Avidyne DFC 90 Digital Autopilot Garmin GTX 330 Transponder L-3 Skywatch Active Traffic Emax Engine Monitoring Cmax Electronic Charts L3 Wx500 Stormscope, lightening detection L3 Sykwatch traffic TAWS-B DME KN62 - Distant measuring equipment Lemo power headset sockets
4580 Hobbs Hours Since New 3370 Flight Hours Since New Annual Inspection due in Feb 2026 Spin-resistant Cuffed Wing No Damage History
Continental IO-550-N – Platinum Engine 310 HP, 6-Point Mount EMAX Engine Monitoring & Fuel Totalizer 1403 Hours since new Prop: Hartzell 3-Blade Propeller 102.5 Hours since new
GTS Slate Perforated Black Leather Overall White with GTS Silver Paint Scheme
Safety Features: Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS) Standby Instruments AMSafe Airbag Seatbelts (Crew Seats) ELT TKS Anti ice Additional Features: 4-Place Headsets Jacks Lemo power headset sockets 12V Power Outlet Convenience Seat Pockets Rosen Sun Visors Aircraft cover