Aircraft > Jet > Dassault > N634KA: Dassault 50
Will Deliver with Fresh 1C Check (Underway, Feb 2025) 2018 Paint Falcon 50EX Style Interior
•Dual Collins FCS-80 Pro Line •EFIS Collins EFIS-86C 5-Tube Flight Director •Dual Collins FCS-80 Comms •Dual Collins VHF-22D/CTL-22C •8.33 Auto Pilot •Collins APS-80 Navs •Dual Collins VIR-30 FM Immunity •Dual Collins ADF-60A •Universal Uni-link SATAFIS •Dual Collins DME-42 •Dual Sperry DG-207A Compass •Fairchild CVR •Dual Universal UNS-1C FMS •Dual GPS •Dual King KHF-950 •Delco Carousel VI IRS •Alt Collins ALT-55B •Dual Collins TDR-94D Mode S w/Flight ID •AircellST-3100 SATCOM •Collins TCAS-II change 7 •TAWS Universal •Collins WXR-250 Weather Rad •WiFi Text and Talk
Total Time: 15,003.15 Hours 10,617 Landings
Engines: Honeywell TFE731-3D-1C, Enrolled on MSP s/n P76523:14,577.95 Hours10,319 Cycles s/n P76535:14,505.15 Hours10,369 Cycles s/n P76518:14,578.95 Hours10,354 Cycles
Completed in 2006 Executive interior features Airshow 400, forward refreshment and rear lab. Configured with forward four place club setting, followed by aft three-place divan opposite two place club setting. Cockpit jump seat and belted lavatory seat for a total of eleven (11) passengers plus crew. Completed in 2018 by West Star Aviation Overall White with Burgundy and Gray accents.
•ADS-B Out •Artex 406 ELT •Gables Control Heads •CPCP with Multi Function Display •Control Panel with Cabin Temp and Lighting Control •N1 DEECS •Gross Weight Mod •Windshield Embellisher Mod •Therapeutic Oxygen