Aircraft > Single-Engine Piston > Brm Aero > N704EC: Brm Aero BRISTELL
SN 704/2023 Bristell N704EC, BRS Pre-wire, Rotax 912iS 100HP, Fuel Injected engine, Dual Garmin G3X Touch screens, G5 back up EFIS, Equipped for IFR in IMC with GNX375 Vertical GPS approaches, ADS-B in and out, GTR20R Com, DUAL ADAHRS, GMC 507 Autopilot Module. Flush Rivetted Wings, Long Range 43 gallon fuel. This Bristell can Fly 1000 miles NON STOP due to the 43 gallons of fuel, ECU, and Flush rivetted wings. Gross Wt 1323 Empty Weight 823 Useful Load 500 Pounds Payload with 4 hours of fuel is 404 pounds. Immediate Delivery. KHWV Price is $329,999