Aircraft > Single-Engine Piston > Cozy > N93CF: Cozy MK IV
1998 Cozy Mk IV 972.5 TTAF, Lycoming LIO-360 200 hp, MT 3-blade C/S hydraulic prop, new Garmin GNX 375 GPS Current CI and current IFR certification. Cruise at 160 kts burning 9 GPH. 52 gallons fuel, four seats.
Garmin GNX 375 color, touch, moving map GPS with ADSB and weather S-Tec 180 Slaved HIS S-Tec System 40 single axis Auto Pilot (direction) - Can follow the HIS or the Garmin GPS S-Tec Flux detector S-Tec roll servo S-Tec turn coordinator Narco DME 890 Narco Comm 810A Narco MK12D Nav/Comm Narco CP136M Audio/Marker Beacon Narco ID-824 VOR/LOC Indicator United True Airspeed with lighted bezel United Altimeter with lighted bezel United VSI with lighted bezel Allen Attitude Gyro Ameri-King 350 Blind Encoder Precision vertical card compass Vision Micro VM 1000 engine monitor DRE 4-place intercom Cozy Mk IV Power Panel Lamar instrument light dimmer Heated pitot Strong electric pitch trim Whelan strobes and NAV lights Matco triple puck brakes Wilhelmson electric EZ noselift Leather seats and side panels Adjustable rudder pedals Bruces's custom cover PPG Concept paint
Lycoming LIO-360 200 hp, MT C/S 3-blade hydraulic prop, 13.2 hours SMOH (prop)
All leather, 4 seats
This plane cruises at 160+ knots burning 9.5 GPH and has 4 seats. It carries 52 gallons of fuel. Excellent cross country time machine.