Aircraft > Single-Engine Piston > Piper > ZS-SHU: Piper Malibu
The Piper Malibu Matrix PA-46R-350T is a single-engine, six-seat aircraft known for its versatility and performance. Its spacious cabin features JetShades, which block 80% of infrared light for a cooler interior, offering passengers enhanced comfort. Equipped with the Avidyne Entegra Release 9 Avionics Suite, it delivers advanced technology for a seamless flying experience. Its exterior was repainted in 2023.
Avidyne Entegra Release 9 Avionics Suite, Including: Software V14 Upgrade with SVT ( Synthetic Vision Technology ) Dual Avidyne IFD-5000 Primary Flight Display / Multi-Function Display Systems Dual Integrated WAAS Enabled GPS Systems Avidyne TWX-670 Tactical Weather Detection System Avidyne TAS-610 Dual Antenna Traffic Advisory System Avidyne FMS-900W Flight Management System CMax Electronic Charts Integrated Digital VHF Radios PS Engineering PMA-8000 Audio Panel S-TEC 55X Autopilot with Alt Pre-select Becker Remote-mount Transponder Flight Director Bars 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter Avionics Master Switch EMax Engine Indication System
Model: Piper Malibu Matrix PA-46R-350T Time Since New: 900 Hours
Type: Lycoming TIO-540-AE2A (350 hp) Engine TBO: 2,000 Hours Engine TSN: 900 Hours Turbo Charged: Yes
Beige Leather Seating with Matching Carpet and Side Panelling – Factory Original Executive Stowable Desk Pilot and Co-Pilot Control Yokes recovered in Black Leather with Red and Blue Stitch – Refurbished in 2023 White and Metallic Blue with Black Trim Repainted in 2023
Air Conditioning Oxygen Equipped (6 Port System with Pilot and Co-Pilot Masks) Control Wheel Indent Button Navigation, Taxi and Recognition Lights Speed Brakes Malibu M1 Cooling Mod STC Jetshades (Blocks 80% of Infrared Light for Cooler Cabin)